A farewell to legs

I woud like to tell my friends and peers in the digital and online media class that this has been a wonderful semester. I have enjoyed getting to know my fellow classmates through each of your blogs.

Getting to see your interest here on earth has given me insight into the people of earth and a look into what they are passionate about. I have also learned so much about each of those passions.

I am using all of the blogs from this MC 4381 class as part of my research to learn more about this planet. These blogs will be shared to various galaxies and its contents will serve as sources of knowlege and expertise of the subjects covered.

The students of the class will be instrumental in understanding earth from the intimate perspective of the people who live in it rather than text books full of information that everyone from here to the Shipoopi quasar already knows. These blogs give other planets real insight to life on this planet.

Thank you for inspiring the creativity I needed to creat this blog and find a voice as a writer. It’s been hard adjusting to the senstivities of Earth. I wish all of you the best of luck and don’t be afraid to approach aliens when the come –  They might accept your résumé!

It’s probably best that this class was conducted online since many of you may not be able to handle seeing me in my alien body. In fact, my face  and body are so grotesque to the human eye it actually causes some people’s eyes to explode.

If any of you are brave and still think you can stomach seeing  a photo of me just scroll down!















Photo by Pabs

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