E.T. in wig

Aliens in the Media

A funny thing about humans of Earth is their concept of what intelligent life is like outside of this planet. Humans are vastly unaware of the fact that there are countless galactic travelers such as myself roaming Earth just looking for a work or a good vacation spot away from the troubles of our own home worlds.

Interestingly enough, many humans believe that life beyond this planet consists of beings with big bald heads and dark, glassy eyes. I find this a little offensive. You see, a few of the guys of the Blorf Nebula got a little to tipsy one evening and crash landed in the desert and were discovered by the government.

E.T. in wig
Image from: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Copyright by Universal Studios.

This prompted great fascination with beings from someplace other than Earth and spawned many false impressions in the mass media of what “aliens” are really like. The media’s representation led many to believe that every E.T. looked like… well, E.T.


This brings me to today’s post about the world of mass media and how it discriminates and marginalizes cosmic immigrants. If the people of Earth only knew how hard it is to even get here, no one would imagine that we are here to destroy it. We’ve come to understand that the human race is very territorial, and if anyone is going to destroy the planet it’s going to be them.

Contrary to popular thought, most species of beings that inhabit the cosmos are not as advanced as the human race might imagine. Similar to the small percentage of people here on earth who go one to accomplish wondrous things, only a small amount of “aliens” are really worth mentioning.

Original Artwork by Pablo Ortega. Portrait of characters from the film “Return of the Jedi” show how humans perceive other beings from other parts of space.

More importantly, they usually look like everyone else on Earth. Since these beings only stand out by being strange or eccentric they usually go unnoticed by humans. In fact, many end up finding work as musicians, athletes, artists, and philosophers as these are some of the things non-humans excel at over humans.


An open mind will begin to answer the age old question of whether Earthlings are alone in the universe. Additionally, open minds will find that humans’ perception of life outside of Earth is misconstrued. Not only are we not alone, but we are all here together. So, whenever you meet a strange person, don’t alienate them. Take a chance to get to know them because you may be interacting with life from another planet.

9 thoughts on “Aliens in the Media”

  1. I agree with your point of view. Our society is afraid of the unknown, which is why people don’t tend to accept others that are not like them. If only everyone took the time to get to know others of different cultures, they would realize that we are all somewhat similar.


  2. This is an awesome blog. As a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, I think this blog is hilarious. I do sometimes wonder what other worldly beings would think of us and our culture. I also sometimes wonder about our superstars possibly being aliens…. I mean what if these people (kanye, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe,ETc) are really from out of this world and that’s why they are so polarizing! The possibilities are endless but I will say this blog is far out and I look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. DUDE, I checked out your insta page and you shred! I have so many questions: Whats your favorite type of guitar, who do you draw the most inspiration from, how long have you been playing for? Being a musician myself, I love the amount of passion you have for your art. A lot of people are “jack of all trades” kind of people, so it’s really nice to see someone who’s persistent about one instrument. Also, I am definitely a believer that there is other life outside of this planet and think we would be ignorant to think we were alone. Just based on how much stereotyping of aliens there is in media, I dont think the human race is even ready to meet anyone or anything from out of this world. I have a feeling this is about to be one of the most rad blog’s and i’m stoked to read more! #extraterrestriallivesmatter

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Favorite guitar Ibanez 8 string at the moment. I listen to everything from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Tosin Abasi. I’ve been playing for over 10 years. Thanks for checking out my page! I sincerely appreciate it.


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