“Fully Withheld”

As I get to know the way things work in this world, I feel as though I lose a grasp on what made mankind so great in the beginning of its evolution. The human race was doing so well, but it has an inherent instinct to turn on its own kind for the sake of survival. As humans became more advanced and form civilizations, mankind continued to become more cunning with its need to be in control to survive.

The ruling council of the United States of America of the western hemisphere is one of the greatest powers on this planet. It’s inhabitants are endowed with great freedom and are allowed to pursuit individual contentment. Yet, when you look at the written history American humans have immortalized into parchment, it’s clear that the winners of planetary conquest write the final word in shaping bygone times. Soon, this commonwealth will have an opportunity have some of its hidden history restored to them.

In 1963 these allied states’ ruling leader, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was assassinated, possible by means of corruption. His murder was left unsolved by the very government he ran leaving encrypted questions about motives and those possibly involved. Many important files with pertinent details about his death have been withheld from the public. Secrets about possible corruption within the government stay buried, and countless theories of the truth find their way into the media still.

“JFK” by Ryan “MSG” Richardson  

In just a couple Earth years, the government will possibly release this forsaken information on  October 2017. Albeit, there is a mandate to make this public to the planet, there is no guarantee that intelligence agencies won’t appeal to keep it all under wraps. What I know of civilizations from outside this solar system is truth and wisdom allows advanced life forms to prosper. To attempt to create and control a subservient race of beings will ensure upheaval and chaos to peace and order.


Hopefully, humankind will not befall the same fate as so many other worlds before it that used fear and ego to control and shelter its planet from the goings on of it’s authoritative leadership.

Perhaps, Earth will be able to redeem itself as a whole and regain the interest of other alien civilizations that have lost interest in this little blue world because of its egotistical nature. So, here’s to the truth, …because the truth is out there.

One thought on ““Fully Withheld””

  1. Yes, I suppose we on Earth are a bit egotistical, especially in the United States. While I am not one of those who mistrusts the government, there were many suspicions surrounding the death of JFK (I lived through that period) and so many characters involved. Perhaps the truth will eventually set us free! A thoughtful post! I like the art – very haunting.

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