Cosmic Undulations

I feel as though congratulations are in order to this planet as a whole. Humans have recently found evidence of gravitational waves which ripple across the endless fabric of space and time. Moreover, gravitational waves carry with it information about their source. The origin of the detected wave also proves to be a grand finding in itself. The wave which was detected originated from a binary black hole collision about 1.3 billion earth-years ago. Before this discovery binary black hole systems were yet to be proven to exist.

Soon, human-kind will be treated to sights and realities they never thought possible. Like sonar painting a picture of Earth’s mysterious ocean floor, this planet can start putting together a bigger picture of the universe around it. Unlike sonar, gravitational waves also gather a great deal of information about space itself, such as how much black matter is in the universe and at what rate does it expand.

Gravitational waves also serve as a means of travel. While some use black holes as wormholes to travel to other sides of the universe, they are unstable and unpredictable. Gravitational waves can also be “surfed” on as a means of hitching a ride across the cosmos like a surfer riding these cosmic undulations like waves in an unimaginably large ocean of space-time.

This a huge step for the planet and I’m thrilled to be here as you all make this huge discovery and look to what the future might hold. Although, I can’t help but feel as though much is still left to be understood about life in the cosmos. Other life always looks for intelligent life to explore. No exploration team wants to investigate a planet inhabited by a race of beings who are seemingly hell-bent on destroying their own world.

Instead, intelligent life that is able explore the universe typically search for various signals and waves the way Earth does. So, if Earth is really looking for waves and wanting to send waves back, it should be done by way of music and sound. Music is the most reliable, undeniable proof of intelligence across the known universe. Could you only imagine if Earth received not just waves of some sort, but highly organized patterns and sounds that indicated unique and intelligent thought?

So, continue to search for ripples in the cosmos, but be sure to send some in return. When ripples collide they bounce further and wider than before and spread the message of what goes on in the deepest, most secretive corners on the cosmos. Rest assured that there are other planets looking for the same thing as this one.

(Artwork by Pablo Ortega)

4 thoughts on “Cosmic Undulations”

  1. Nice blog post! What are some of your favorite documentaries on the topic of intelligent life? I’ve seen a few on the discovery channel, but I haven’t seen some of the most recent ones that are out there.


    1. My personal favorite documentaries on the topic of intelligent life include; “Coneheads,” “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,” “Stargate” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.” While each one does exaggerate a few points of space travel for entertainment sake, they are pretty good representations of the life in neighboring galaxies.


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